



Institutional Investor 2018 | Latin American Executive Team (Small Cap)

Two names from Santos Brasil stood out on the Latin America Executive Team (Small Cap) ranking from the Institutional Investor magazine: Daniel Dorea, CFO and Head of Investor Relations, and Juliano Navarro, Manager of Investor Relations.

In Transportation enterprises, Daniel Dorea secured the second place in the category best CFO from the buy-side ranking. On the other hand, Juliano Navarro held the second place on the list of best Investor Relations professionals in the general and buy-side rankings.

GC Powerlist Brazil | 2018

Legal Manager at Santos Brasil, Gabriel Jacques de Moura was chosen as one of the leading names in the legal sector of the Legal 500 publication, which publicized the GC Powerlist Brazil 2018, choosing influential leaders within the corporate world who give impetus to the legal departments of their companies.

Leaders of Brazil Award | 2018

In 2018, Santos Brasil received the Líderes do Brasil award in the Logistics/Transportation category. The eighth edition of the award held by the Grupo de Líderes Empresariais [Entrepreneurial Leaders Group] (LIDE) acknowledged enterprises that were successful in business. In the case of Santos Brasil, the integrated logistics organization was a pioneer within the segment, even in the face of economic instability.

Exame Guide of Sustainability | 2018 | 2017 | 2015

Santos Brasil was awarded the Guia Exame de Sustentabilidade in 2015, 2017 and 2018 for its Sustainable Driver Programme, with the Green Fleet Case, in the Infrastructure category.

Época Business 360⁰ | 2018

Acknowledged by the 7th edition of the Anuário Época Negócios 360⁰ [Época Business 360⁰ Annual] as the best enterprise within the corporate governance infrastructure sector. We won the second place in the categories Sustainability and Vision of Future. Whereas in the general classification, we clinched the 5th place in corporate governance among the 337 enterprises competing for the position.

Época Business 360⁰ | 2017

Recognized as the first enterprise within the sector of corporate governance infrastructure and vision of future, Santos Brasil stood out in the areas of socio-environmental responsibility and capability of innovating. In the general classification, it achieved the 8th place in corporate governance among the 300 enterprises competing for the position.

Época Business 360⁰ | 2016

Recognized as the first enterprise in the industry for socio-environmental responsibility and vision of future. It stood out in HR practices and capability of innovating. In the general classification, it achieved the 8th place in socio-environmental responsibility and the 75th place among the best enterprises of the country.

Época Business 360⁰ | 2015

Regarded as the enterprise with the greatest vision of future in the infrastructure sector, Santos Brasil stood out in Socio-Environmental Responsibility (3rd position) and Capability of Innovating (3rd position). The company was also at the 84th position on the general survey, 37 positions higher than the last year.

Logistics and Transportation Excellence Award | 2017

In 2017, Santos Brasil received the Logistics and Transportation Excellence award from Rhodia, standing out in the category Zero Accident in ground transportation, and for its transparency in sharing advances and results on the platform Together For Sustainability (TFS), a global initiative for the promotion of sustainability practices led by the leading companies from the chemical sector.

The New Economist | 2015

Category Best Container Terminal Operator in South America, granted by the homonymous British magazine. The acknowledgment was motivated by innovations and improvements by Santos Brasil in order to increase the operational efficiency of Tecon Santos.

Excellence in Transportation Award | 2015

Acknowledgement from our customer Cosan Lubrificantes [Cosan Lubricants]. Santos Brasil received a 9.35 grade in the category Excellence in Transportation, which evaluates, among other items, punctuality, security and responsiveness to customers’ calls.

Transformation in the Supply Chain Corporate Award | 2015

Received during the III Conferência Nacional de Fornecedores [III National Suppliers Conference], held by our customer Cummins América do Sul, Santos Brasil stood out for cost and time reduction through its services.

Época Business 360⁰ | 2013

Best enterprise in the Infrastructure Sector. The company was recognized as the first enterprise in the sector of corporate governance infrastructure and vision of future. In the general ranking, which selects the 250 best enterprises in the country, Santos Brasil secured the 21st place.

Mercedes-Benz Environmental Responsibility Award | 2012

The company stood out with its Sustainable Driver Programme, which motivates drivers from the enterprise to be responsible for using fuel efficiently and decreasing harmful emissions.