Santos Brasil adheres to the most stringent quality standards in order to guarantee excellence in service provision.
Since 2016, Santos Brasil has been appraised by the Ecovadis certification, based on international standards for
sustainable development. The objective of the platform is to measure the quality of Entrepreneurial Social responsibility
Santos Brasil improved its score and maintained the bronze rating, positioning itself among the top 35% of the best-rated companies.
Santos Brasil was awarded the ESG Excellence Award - Port of Santos 2024, organized by the Port Authority of Santos (APS), standing out as a finalist in all categories and winning the + ESG and Governance Axis trophies.
Santos Brasil achieved 5th place among the companies with the highest scores in the transportation and logistics sector.
The company ranked in the TOP 5 among the best infrastructure companies in the country in the 2024 edition of the Época Negócios 360° Yearbook.
Furthermore, it achieved 33rd place in the overall ranking out of 150 companies.
Santos Brasil achieved second place in the transportation, logistics, and logistics services category in the Maiores & Melhores Exame 2024 ranking.
Santos Brasil has won the 28th Transparency Trophy from ANEFAC in the category for companies with revenues below R$ 5 billion. This is one of the most prestigious awards for accounting and corporate transparency in Brazil, granted by the National Association of Executives (ANEFAC) in partnership with educational institutions such as UnB, FUCAP//, and FECAP.
Santos Brasil has achieved SASSMAQ certification at the Clia Santos and São Bernardo do Campo Distribution Center.
Santos Brasil has achieved ISO 37001 certification (Anti-bribery Management System), a significant milestone in our corporate excellence journey and commitment to ethics and integrity. This recognition is valid for both the Company and Tecon Santos.
Santos Brasil has achieved ISO 37301 certification (Compliance Management System), which reinforces our position as an organization aligned with the highest international governance standards. This recognition is valid for both the Company and Tecon Santos.
Santos Brasil has achieved ISO 14001:2015 certification. The certified units are: Tecon Vila do Conde, Tecon Santos, Tecon Imbituba, TEV (Vehicle Terminal) and Bulk Liquid Terminals (BL1 and BL3).
This certification underscores our dedication to environmental management and sustainability, confirming the effectiveness of our efforts to reduce environmental impacts and uphold ecological responsibility.
Santos Brasil has achieved ISO 45001:2018 certification. The certified units are: Tecon Santos, TEV (Vehicle Terminal) and Bulk Liquid Terminals (BL1 and BL3).
This certification recognizes our commitment to occupational health and safety, reflecting the effectiveness of our management systems in ensuring a safe and healthy work environment for our employees.
Santos Brasil is ISO 9001:2015 certified at several locations, showcasing the company´s dedication to excellence and quality in its processes.
The certified units are: Tecon Santos, Tecon Imbituba, Tecon Vila do Conde, TEV (Vehicle Terminal), São Bernardo do Campo Distribution Center, Clia Santos, Clia Guarujá and Bulk Liquid Terminals (BL1 and BL3).
A Santos Brasil está entre as 100 empresas mais inovadoras no uso de TI no país, de acordo com a publicação IT Forum.
We have received the Great Place To Work certification (GPTW seal) for six consecutive years from the global
research, consulting and capacitation enterprise. The certification recognizes Santos Brasil as an excellent place to work.
In order to grant the GPTW seal, the certification program measured the perception of employees with regard to our
enterprise in five categories: Credibility, Respect, Impartiality, Pride and Comradeship.
Have you ever thought of working at an enterprise focused on growth, innovation, integrated solutions, and certified by
the GPTW seal?
We won a grade B- rating, the highest one within the sector of Transportation Services of South America, by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), a non-profitable international organization, considered the main initiative from the financial sector related to mitigation of climate changes.
A Santos Brasil foi reconhecida com o Prémio ESG Grupo Tribuna 2023.
A premiação contemplou projetos do setor público e privado.
O case premiado da Companhia foi a Telemetria da Água, inovação desenvolvida
dentro da Santos Brasil e que permitiu a economia de mais de R$ 140 mil reais
de água.
A Santos Brasil foi eleita a melhor empresa do Setor de Infraestrutura segundo
o Prémio Época 360°.
A 11° edição do anuário da Época Negócios avaliou mais de 420 empresas,
e premiou as melhores companhias do Brasil de 25 setores.
A Santos Brasil passa a integrar em 2023 o índice de Sustentabilidade Empresarial (ISE) da B3 a bolsa de valores brasileira, que reúne um seleto grupo de empresas reconhecidamente comprometidas com a agenda ESG, sigla em inglés para "environmental, social and governance" (ambiental, social e governança).
O TEV, terminal de veículos da Santos Brasil, conquistou a Certificação OEA
(do inglés Authorized Economic Operaror) que significa Operador Econômico Autorizado.
Com essa chancela, o TEV passou a ser um parceiro estratégico da Receita Federal,
certificado como um operador de baixo risco e confiável nos âmbitos nacional e
A Santos Brasil venceu as categorias regional (São Paulo) e nacional no Prémio Aberje 2022, com o case "Santos Brasil na Bolsa", na categoria: Ética, Integridade e Compliance.
Santos Brasil ranked third in the Transport, Logistics and Logistics Services sector in EXAME magazine´s 2022 Melhores &
Maiores (Best & Biggest) award.
Melhores & Maiores is in its 49th edition and is considered one of the country´s most traditional and prestigious
economy and business awards. This year, the yearbook evaluated the performance of 1,000 organizations.
Santos Brasil acquired I-REC certificates (International Renewable Energy Certificate) that ensure 100% of the energy used
for the Company´s operations within São Paulo State will be proportionately available on the grid as clean energy for the
entire country.
The initiative eliminates Scope II CO2 emissions generated in consuming energy from conventional sources in our Baixada
Santista region units and strengthens Santos Brasil´s commitment to preserving the environment and reducing greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions.
Santos Brasil´s shares are now included in another three B3 indices: IBrX 100 and ICO2 in the portfolio in force from
January to April 2022, and the recently launched IGPTW B3, which brings together enterprises with the best practices in
the work market, certified by the Great Place to Work global consultancy.
Two of these indices " ICO2 and IGPTW B3" consider companies focused on ESG (Environment, Social & Governance), along
with their Corporate Sustainability (ISE B3) and Carbon Efficient (ICO2 B3) indicators.
Santos Brasil won the 2021 Aberje [Brazilian Association of Entrepreneurial Communications] regional section prize, in
the category of Ethics, Integrity and Compliance, with submission of the case Conduta ÃÂ� Prova [Proof of Conduct].
Considered one of the major awards from the communications segment in Brazil, the Aberje Prize appraises initiatives of
entrepreneurial communications, through presentation of inspiring cases and sharing of experiences, besides helping to
promote best communication practices by enterprises and institutions from all over the country.
Santos Brasil won the second position among the best infrastructure enterprises of the country, and stood out with the
first place on the dimensions of Sustainability and Vision of the Future within the sector. On the general ranking, Santos
Brasil appears among the best hundred enterprises of the country and as 30th best one on Sustainability.
The annual evaluated 418 enterprises from 25 different sectors, considering six dimensions: Financial Performance,
Corporate Governance, Innovation, People, Sustainability and Vision of the Future.
Santos Brasil was awarded in nine categories on the 2021 Latin America Executive Team (Small Cap) ranking by Institutional Investor, being ranked among the three best enterprises within the Transportation sector. Furthermore, the Company won the "Most Honorable Company" distinction for its cumulative success on all individual rankings, an honor granted only to 33 enterprises among the 201 nominated ones.
A joint initiative by chemical enterprises, with a focus on promotion of sustainability practices within the supply chain of the chemical industry, presently gathering enterprises around a single auditing and evaluation standard.
The 2018 edition of the EXAME Sustainability Guide acknowledged 77 companies in sustainability, from 19 sectors of the
economy, with special emphasis on companies with above-average scores in the rigorous questionnaire prepared by the
technical team of Fundação Getúlio Vargas in São Paulo.
Santos Brasil was one of the winners in the Infrastructure category.
Institutional Investor - Latin America Executive Team (Small Cap) | 2018
GC Powerlist Brazil | 2018
Leaders of Brazil Award | 2018
Exame Guide of Sustainability | 2018 | 2017 | 2015
Época Business 360⁰ | 2018
Época Business 360⁰ | 2017
Época Business 360⁰ | 2016
Época Business 360⁰ | 2015
Logistics and Transportation Excellence Award | 2017
The New Economist | 2015
Excellence in Transportation Award | 2015
Transformation in the Supply Chain Corporate Award | 2015
Época Business 360⁰ | 2013
Mercedes-Benz Environmental Responsibility Award | 2012
Institutional Investor 2018 | Latin American Executive Team (Small Cap)
Two names from Santos Brasil stood out on the Latin America Executive Team (Small Cap) ranking from the Institutional Investor magazine: Daniel Dorea, CFO and Head of Investor Relations, and Juliano Navarro, Manager of Investor Relations.
In Transportation enterprises, Daniel Dorea secured the second place in the category best CFO from the buy-side ranking. On the other hand, Juliano Navarro held the second place on the list of best Investor Relations professionals in the general and buy-side rankings.
GC Powerlist Brazil | 2018
Legal Manager at Santos Brasil, Gabriel Jacques de Moura was chosen as one of the leading names in the legal sector of the Legal 500 publication, which publicized the GC Powerlist Brazil 2018, choosing influential leaders within the corporate world who give impetus to the legal departments of their companies.
Leaders of Brazil Award | 2018
In 2018, Santos Brasil received the Líderes do Brasil award in the Logistics/Transportation category. The eighth edition of the award held by the Grupo de Líderes Empresariais [Entrepreneurial Leaders Group] (LIDE) acknowledged enterprises that were successful in business. In the case of Santos Brasil, the integrated logistics organization was a pioneer within the segment, even in the face of economic instability.
Exame Guide of Sustainability | 2018 | 2017 | 2015
Santos Brasil was awarded the Guia Exame de Sustentabilidade in 2015, 2017 and 2018 for its Sustainable Driver Programme, with the Green Fleet Case, in the Infrastructure category.
Época Business 360⁰ | 2018
Acknowledged by the 7th edition of the Anuário Época Negócios 360⁰ [Época Business 360⁰ Annual] as the best enterprise within the corporate governance infrastructure sector. We won the second place in the categories Sustainability and Vision of Future. Whereas in the general classification, we clinched the 5th place in corporate governance among the 337 enterprises competing for the position.
Época Business 360⁰ | 2017
Recognized as the first enterprise within the sector of corporate governance infrastructure and vision of future, Santos Brasil stood out in the areas of socio-environmental responsibility and capability of innovating. In the general classification, it achieved the 8th place in corporate governance among the 300 enterprises competing for the position.
Época Business 360⁰ | 2016
Recognized as the first enterprise in the industry for socio-environmental responsibility and vision of future. It stood out in HR practices and capability of innovating. In the general classification, it achieved the 8th place in socio-environmental responsibility and the 75th place among the best enterprises of the country.
Época Business 360⁰ | 2015
Regarded as the enterprise with the greatest vision of future in the infrastructure sector, Santos Brasil stood out in Socio-Environmental Responsibility (3rd position) and Capability of Innovating (3rd position). The company was also at the 84th position on the general survey, 37 positions higher than the last year.
Logistics and Transportation Excellence Award | 2017
In 2017, Santos Brasil received the Logistics and Transportation Excellence award from Rhodia, standing out in the category Zero Accident in ground transportation, and for its transparency in sharing advances and results on the platform Together For Sustainability (TFS), a global initiative for the promotion of sustainability practices led by the leading companies from the chemical sector.
The New Economist | 2015
Category Best Container Terminal Operator in South America, granted by the homonymous British magazine. The acknowledgment was motivated by innovations and improvements by Santos Brasil in order to increase the operational efficiency of Tecon Santos.
Excellence in Transportation Award | 2015
Acknowledgement from our customer Cosan Lubrificantes [Cosan Lubricants]. Santos Brasil received a 9.35 grade in the category Excellence in Transportation, which evaluates, among other items, punctuality, security and responsiveness to customers’ calls.
Transformation in the Supply Chain Corporate Award | 2015
Received during the III Conferência Nacional de Fornecedores [III National Suppliers Conference], held by our customer Cummins América do Sul, Santos Brasil stood out for cost and time reduction through its services.
Época Business 360⁰ | 2013
Best enterprise in the Infrastructure Sector. The company was recognized as the first enterprise in the sector of corporate governance infrastructure and vision of future. In the general ranking, which selects the 250 best enterprises in the country, Santos Brasil secured the 21st place.
Mercedes-Benz Environmental Responsibility Award | 2012
The company stood out with its Sustainable Driver Programme, which motivates drivers from the enterprise to be responsible for using fuel efficiently and decreasing harmful emissions.
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