Through our vehicle and general cargo terminals, Santos Brasil performs loading, unloading and transshipment of vehicles and rolling cargo, such as trucks, buses, tractors and machinery.

We also receive, move and load project and break bulk cargo. Our terminals are prepared for “Tailor Made” and “Built to Suit” operations, ideal for dedicated projects and special cargoes.

Learn more about Santos Brasil vehicle and general cargo terminals, their structures, differentials, and the services they offer:


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Terminal de Veículos (TEV)

Annexed to Tecon Santos, TEV is the largest vehicle terminal in Brazil, with an operational capacity of 300 thousand automobiles per year and moving 40% of the cars exported and imported by Brazilian automakers, according to Logcomex and ANFAVEA. It is one of the most revolutionary import and export terminals in the world, boasting incredible efficiency and security in the transportation of both light and heavy vehicles.

For project cost information, click here!

  1. Handling different types of cargo: trains, industrial plants, disassembled machinery, power transformers, large sculptures, and others
  2. Handling equipment and heavy vehicles: excavators, tractors, harvesters, and others
Terminal de Veículos - TEV

24-hour monitoring


The only terminal Brazil developed with the goal of moving light and heavy vehicles


More than two million vehicles moved since 2009


Two electric car chargers are available


Terminal apt to project and break bulk cargo moving


Experience with the world’s leading manufacturers of light and heavy vehicles

Exclusive Area

Exclusive customer area, with access to operation and control via site and app


24-hour monitoring


The only terminal Brazil developed with the goal of moving light and heavy vehicles


More than two million vehicles moved since 2009


Two electric car chargers are available


Terminal apt to project and break bulk cargo moving


Experience with the world’s leading manufacturers of light and heavy vehicles

Exclusive Area

Exclusive customer area, with access to operation and control via site and app

  1. 186 thousand square meters total area
  2. 310-meter mooring pier
  3. Loading/unloading light vehicle capacity: 12 simultaneous carriers
  4. Annual capacity: 300 thousand units
  1. Wireless system with data collector
  2. RMS – Ramp Management System
  3. YMS – Yard Management System
  4. VMS – Ve ssel Management System

TCG Imbituba

The General Cargo Terminal is a revolutionary, exclusive port facility located in Imbituba, State of Santa Catarina. This terminal deals with the latest technology, as well as a great diversity of port operations.

The TCG comprises diverse trained teams to effectively transport and store cargoes of high complexity and added value, such as lumber, steel beams, transformers, eolic blades, big bag cargoes, cellulose, among others.

  1. Yard storage and bonded storage
  2. Coastal Shipping
  3. Cargo consolidation and deconsolidation
  4. De-unitizing
  5. Unitizing
TCG Imbituba

Exclusive equipment and berth for general cargo operations


Strategic location and natural conditions of an open sea port


Unrestricted night access for superships


Depot inside the terminal


Integration with the railway


Exclusive equipment and berth for general cargo operations


Strategic location and natural conditions of an open sea port


Unrestricted night access for superships


Depot inside the terminal


Integration with the railway

  1. Up to 518.382 metric tons of general cargo annual handling capacity
  2. 53.902 square meters total area
  3. 2 covered warehouses with 6,800 square meters total area
  4. 13.5-meter draft
  5. 410-meter mooring pier
  6. 18,747 square meters total area
Hours of Operation - Vehicle Terminal (VT)
Monday to Saturday Sunday
Receipt of vehicles via land Monday at 7am, until 7am on Saturday -
ship operation 24 hours
Hours of Operation - TCG Imbituba
Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday
Administrative 8h - 17h48 - -
Customers Relationship 8h - 17h30 - -
Import Registration (delivery of documentation) 8h - 17h30 8h - 12h -
Import Loading - Container 7h - 19h -
Import Loading - Loose cargo 7h - 17h 7h - 11h -
Export Receipt - Container 7h - 19h -
Export Receipt - Loose cargo 7h - 17h 7h - 11h -
Depot Operations 7h - 19h -
Triage 7h - 18h -
Hours of Operation - Saboó I
Monday to Friday Saturday, Sunday and Holidays
7h - 19h Click here to contact Santos Brasil and check availability of the terminal.